Saturday, 14 July 2012

The Network Stalker

They finally gave me my phone back.
Those people where I worked.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not as if I had it taken off me for being naughty.
To be quite honest, I lost it.
One minute I felt the bulge of it in my pocket, the next (about three hours later to tell the truth when I went to look at the time and no, I didn’t have a watch at the time I plead poverty….plus the fact that the way I looked at it, if you have a clock thingie on your mobile phone then why have a watch as well?) it had gone.
I traced my steps, the way you do when you lose something and asked the management people if someone had handed in my cheap and cheerful pay as you go with no extra bits and bobs phone.
Their answer was a short, sharp negatively put "No, bugger off and do some work".
"And why would you want to use your phone on our time anyway?"
So with no joy at the end of my working day I went on my way, wondering what kind of sad bastard would want to steal my sad little phone....…of course I could have genuinely dropped it somewhere, but I would rather accuse others than myself…....well you do don’t you?
So ho hum, I lost my phone… big banana to me, big dealio, no great loss...…after all, no bugger ever rang me on it anyway.
Admittedly it did have a very addictive game on it though that I played whenever I had the chance…....once I lost track of time while playing it, I was in the loo at work at the time....…but that’s probably to much information.
Three months later, someone comes up to me at work and asks, "This yours?" while waving my long lost phone under my nose.
They bleeding well knew it was.
"How did you know it was mine?" I enquired calmly.
"We rang someone on your phone and they confirmed that it belonged to you"
It took three months for management to think of that….....bloody typical huh?
Anyroad, I took the phone and professed my gratitude…...on the way home that day I dumped it in a bin.
But there was a perfectly good reason as well.
Over a year before I befriended a lady on a social networking site. We seemed to get on well, wrote to each other everyday and I thought it was a nice friendship, nothing wrong with that.
Everything was going well for a few months and as time progressed she told me that she was having trouble at home.
Well these things happen, so I thought I would listen to her and be of some support, like any decent friend would in those kind of circumstances.
A week or two after that, another friend of mine on the site wrote to me and asked who she was and how well did I know her.
I explained how I got to know her and she told me that she had abused her by swearing at her and saying that she was a better friend to me etc etc.
Although my other friend was the sort who could take it with a pinch of salt she thought that she should tell me, and I was glad she did, I was not happy and told this person so.
After that I realised that every time I logged on to the site, she would be there, as if waiting to say hello
Not long after that she told that she had developed feelings for someone online, I asked her who but she wouldn’t tell me. She would only give a description but that description fitted me precisely....…not to blow my own trumpet of course!!
Once I went onto her profile, which tells you about the person, I was shocked to discover that she had put on there that herself and I were engaged back in the 80’s...….which would have been interesting as not only has she always lived 200 miles away from me but I had only known her for a year and I’d certainly never met her, and definetly wouldn’t go anywhere near her now!
Another telling off was given, because I was feeling very uncomfortable now.
She then wrote to me telling me that she couldn’t take anymore as people were mucking about with her feelings…....the next day she had disappeared from it.
All I felt was relief!!
A couple of months later, she wanted me to add her again, I ignored the request, I certainly didn’t want to go through all that again.
A little time after that, while I was at work, my mobile rang. Confused, as no one ever rings me I answered it.
She was on the other end screaming and swearing about what I had done to her and that her marriage had fallen apart and it was my fault!!
How the hell she came to that opinion I don’t know as I had never met her and certainly had nothing to do with her for months at that time.
And I most definelty never gave her any come on at all.
What concerned me most was how she managed to get hold of my mobile number, but I knew I certainly didn’t want anymore hassle form her in the future so when I got the phone back the first thing I did was bin it.

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